Taproom Closed For Winter
That’s a Tap wrap for 2022!
A huge thank you to everyone who came to share beers, food and music with us at the Taproom in 2022. We have had a lot of fun this summer welcoming you to the brewery. We’re putting the Taproom into hibernation over the winter to focus on the brewery, and we also have the exciting distraction of the launch of The Falcon, York.
As a final hurrah for 2022, we're having our annual WINTER DISCO BALL at the Taproom (date TBC) There'll be music, food, draft beers and you'll also be able to grab a seasonal gift from the brewery shop.
We are in the midst of planning some new events at the Tap for 2023, which we are extremely excited about but cannot divulge at the mo, so keep your eyes on our socials for when we announce these! In the meantime, our shop will remain open, both online and at the brewery (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm), and it promises to be a busy couple of months in the run up to Christmas.
With the Taproom closed there'll no longer be growler-fills available from the bar sadly; but to help make up for this, we are offering all our customers who kindly purchased TP growlers a 10% discount on take-out cans.
This page will continue to be active, posting about what's available in our shop!
