So long, 2020!
Well, that’s us done and logging out for a little bit… where to even start!
At the beginning of this wild ride of 2020, we were not sure we would even make it to the other side. It’s been tough for countless reasons but here we are at the end of it, still going, and supported by so many wonderful people who have kept our ship above water in the most challenging circumstances we could have ever foreseen.
This year of course, there’s no end of year events/festival round-up to speak of (special shout out to Indie Beer Feast way back at the start of the year), but just a heck of a lot of gratitude that we’re here, ready for hopefully a more positive year for our industry and the world in general.
Our aim for most of this year was simple; keep going, keep brewing, keep laughing. The most we could have hoped for was to keep our staff in work, keep beer heading out the door, and stay positive that we would get through it.
We hope you have enjoyed some of our brews in 2020, and possibly some of our online events which certainly kept our spirits up in the most difficult months.
Despite the obvious setbacks, a few highlights of the year come to mind…
- The New Frontiers Collaboration Project – with Siren, Rooster’s, Thornbridge, and 5 Points.
- The launch of our brewery Taproom, open from July-October. It will be back.
- Debuting our Disco Royalty beer subscription.
- Hosting online “meet the brewer” events for boozy Zoom Thursdays!
- Meeting so many new people who had not tried our beer before this year.
- We had time to make some great improvements to our brew kit.
- Expanding our barrel-ageing programme, with more on the way.
All in all, certainly not the year we had planned or hoped for, but there is still so much to be grateful for. We’re all still here and will be back with a bang. We’re going to put our heads together and work on bringing some really fun brews to you in 2021. We really can’t wait for the pubs and bars to open under normal conditions, so we can in some way get back to our day jobs of providing them, and you, with delicious pints of cask and keg beer. Until then, we’ll keep doing what we’re doing, trying to make the best of it, and continue on our quest of making our favourite beers. If you’ve been with us since the start, then thankyou so much for sticking with us this year, we WILL see you very soon. If you’re new to our beery mission in 2020, thanks for joining us, we’re just getting started, thanks for joining us! You’ve all seriously kept us going this year. We can’t thank you enough, and we will never forget it!
Thanks as always folks, have a great Christmas, enjoy the little things, and keep drinking great beer. Love, Team TP xx
