Black Swan, Oldstead Collaboration: "Verbalist"
If you follow what we do here at Turning Point, you’ll probably be aware that we love to collaborate with other breweries, however,...

New Brew: Thank You Space Expert
We thought it about time that we brought out a big, brand new, juicy IPA for you all! And for ourselves too, if we are being honest....

New Brew: The Yeti is Waiting
Why can I not sleep? Why am I turning (point)? The Yeti Is Waiting is an amped-up pale ale, filled with the finest Citra and Ekuanot Cryo...

New Brew: Emperor's Collab, Pulpatine
12% Peach, Plum, Charred Nectarine, Beech Smoked Imperial Stout collaboration w/ Emperor's Brewery "Every single Stone Fruit, including...

Collaboration Brews
After a brief hiatus from collaborations during the pandemic, we slowly brought them back into our lives, and now - we have absolutely...

Raise the Bar Indeed!
It was over three years ago when We Are Beer announced us as winners of their ‘Raise The Bar’ competition; but doesn’t time fly when you...

Spark:York Beer Tasting Night - 28th July
People of York! We’re hosting a ticketed tasting event at Spark:York CIC on the 28th July, 7pm. Come and try 5 of our beers in a tasting...

New Brew: Sunshine Riptide
A relevant beer name this morning, if ever there was one. Sunshine Riptide is our brand new 4.5% West Coast Session IPA, and is...

New Brew: Nova Pilsner
Spot the new beer! Nestled between our two core range classics... a brand new Pilsner by the name of NOVA. There's some beautiful weather...

New Brew: A Simple Lampoon
Oh right. I see. I get it. You were lampooning me. It was a simple lampoon. Our first DIPA in quite a while brings rambunctious...